Showing @ Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Fri 18 – Sat 19 Nov

Located in a part of town filled with sex and sleaze and things that go bump and grind in the night: balletLORENT’s take on nocturnal eroticism is an altogether more imaginative and sensual – in every respect – proposition.

The show’s title, la nuit intime, says it perfectly; the lights of the Traverse Theatre’s café bar will be turned down low and the company’s dancers will come amongst the customers twisting and intertwining their bodies to a soundtrack of appropriately nocturnal tunes with an intimacy unlike anything else you’re likely to see.

Creator Liv Lorent’s Newcastle based company has made a name for itself by challenging the preconceptions of what dance can be and this show, which has become one of the company’s most familiar and popular works, breaks boundaries in a very literal way. Not one for the fainthearted or the shy – although there will be plenty of dark corners to hide in, this is a production that brings the percieved intimacy of dance on the stage into the heart of your experience and whatever happens on the night you will undoubtedly have a sensual memory to carry you through the next day.