Sarah Howells

Sarah is a Welsh writer who came to Scotland via Asia in 2002. Whilst slowly writing her first novel and researching for her PhD, she frequently falls prey to many procrastinatory habits - sea-swimming, dog-sitting, baking and reviewing since 2012. She facilitates creative writing workshops and course for wellbeing and fun.
42 articles

Ichiko Aoba

Aoba's dreamy set soothes more than the soul

22 August 2023

Arooj Aftab

Enchanting vocalist shares songs of love and loss

24 August 2022

Ty Jeffries

Sarah Howells takes tea and talks memories with Miss Hope Springs' creator, Ty Jeffries

7 August 2019


Epigrammatic Beatles homage is more about the music.

8 April 2019

Write to Remember

Sarah Howells explores creative non-fiction whilst coaxing everyone to tell their story.

12 February 2019

Captain Sensible

"Right and left are two cheeks of the same arse!" The Damned man talks punk, politics and trains.

12 November 2018

Rhidian Brook

Welsh writer talks about his novels and forthcoming film adaptation ahead of his appearance at the Book Festival

22 August 2018

Dandy Darkly's All Aboard!

Southern gothic performance piece is a bedtime gory story wild ride for strong-livered grown-ups

18 August 2018

Gary Numan

The high-priest of introversion proves who's the daddy

18 March 2018