Max Scratchmann
Max Scratchmann is a well-known British writer and illustrator. His poems and short stories have appeared in many anthologies and magazines, and he runs the Edinburgh performance poetry company, Poetry Circus.
Reviews: 55
Other Articles: 2

Eliza Gearty
On the doors
Promising first attempt from new writer despite some fairly soul-destroying scenes

An Edinburgh Christmas Carol
What has the potential to be an amazing piece of seasonal theatre ultimately fails to deliver

Andrea Spisto: Butch Princesa
Garrulous, wandering and disjointed cabaret of inconsistent quality

A Midsummer Night’s Dream
An audience of delighted youngsters actually enjoying Shakespeare’s words

Hard to be Soft: A Belfast Prayer
A charged evening of dance addressing the city’s toxic gender image

Hotel Paradiso
Innovative and extraordinary, this circus can only become even greater

Love Bites
Audience left spellbound by Scarlett’s voice in this solid workmanlike show

Carol Ann Duffy: The Music of Life
A measured performance which is well worth getting soaked for!

Cabaret of Curiosities
Tatwood Puppets present marionettery like no other, with a Bohemian score and Czech-style wooden puppets

Absolute Burlesque
Early stage burlesque performers are not ready to showcase their work in this way

Jesus Christ Superstar
A good and entertaining Lloyd-Webber adaptation from Captivate Theatre

Painted Corners
Tablespoon Theatre’s excellent ensemble teen drama offers beautifully crafted dialogue

Jeremy Nicholas: What Are You Talking About?
A pleasant hour of, albeit nerdy, fun

Admiring La Stupenda
A theatrical tour de force which redefines the possibilities for one-man-shows for all Fringes to come

Havana After Dark
Sloppy production values make a disappointing dance show