@ Summerhall, Edinburgh, until Fri 12 Jun 2015

Depression is a complex topic to deal with effectively in an hour and a half but the young cast give it a good go in this Harper Theatre Production, Clouds.

The story is centred round, Nick, a 6th year pupil in a Scottish high school, whose young sister has tragically died. It is not clear how recent her death is or how she has died but the wounds are obviously still very raw for Nick and his mother, who has turned to alcohol to cope.

Nick mopes around at home and at school but his inner battle with depression, heightened by Katie’s death, goes unnoticed by his peers who are more interested in where the next party is, and where they can get the obligatory carry-out! His girlfriend is completely self-absorbed and so it is only his best friend, Sarah, who begins to realise that something is seriously wrong with Nick.

The characters are likeable but under-developed. Just when the audience is getting hooked the scene changes once more, leaving a feeling of disappointment; this is the greatest flaw in the production. The young cast are clearly able and show a range of talents, including great comedic timing from the two supporting males, Nicholas Nunn and Josh Brock, but the lack of momentum in the production means they never really get the opportunity to excel.

At times the difficult subject matter is explored sensitively but are the audience convinced by Nick’s depression? Ultimately, the play is too short to allow the in-depth exploration it would take to convince the young audience that he is truly suffering a lengthy, perhaps never-ending, battle and it is not helped by the sub-plots of the jealous girlfriend, the party animal pals and the will they/won’t they get into University side story.

The actors are capable but need better direction and a grittier storyline to get their teeth into next time.