Opening with upward shots of a ‘larger’ lady, swimming nude in the ocean, you kinda think this movie is going to be quirky and cool. It visits a girl at age 6 and then again as she is 17 to 18 following her life tinged with her odd magical powers. Basically when she really wishes something to happen; it does. The film toys with fantasy and fairy tale, but also appears to be making a social statement about those of us who don’t fit into convention. Melikian includes shots of the anatomically correct models on billboards and TV against the painfully awkward looking protagonist in her teenage years. The ultimate fight is over the man she meets on his suicide mission who she rescues and falls in love with only to discover he has a sexy, constantly underwear-clad girlfriend. Unfortunately, this is yet another film of this years festival which looks into the life of someone dull and lacking charisma. Whilst the performances were acceptable, lack of story or progression of the minimal plot leave this film empty. It seems that in the strive to be unconventional and follow the ugly and hapless among us, the director has forgotten that no matter how noble the themes; they cannot in themselves a good movie make.

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