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You might think you’ve never heard a Nile Rodgers song, or that CHIC rings a bell but you couldn’t name a tune of theirs. You’re probably wrong. Nile Rodgers is the genius behind Madonna’s Like A Virgin, David Bowie’s Let’s Dance and Diana RossI’m Coming Out, to name a few. He’s produced Daft Punk’s comeback album, the chart-topping Get Lucky and as if he wasn’t busy enough, has released a compilation of CHIC’s greatest hits collaborations: Up All Night.

Rodgers’ career has spanned five decades. The formation of CHIC in the mid-70s was the beginning of disco in its funkiest form. It’s fitting that Le Freak – their seminal hit – opens disc one. Following that is a series of classic feel-good tracks featuring Sister Sledge, Diana Ross, Debbie Harry, Carly Simon and Johnny Mathis.

Up All Night is quintessential summer feel-good listening. It starts on a high and keeps you there; Rodgers extracts and exposes the notes, chords, twists and turns of tunes to express the sublime. And indeed, the music goes a lot further than the lyrics in terms of subtlety and complexity, and yet, they say plainly what they need to: “we all love good times” or “we are family”. Throughout the album, there is a distinct sense that this is music to be shared, it’s about communal experience. Rodgers had a challenging upbringing growing up in New York City and his understanding of the world is translated into his music: it transcends class and race. A Nile Rodgers track has no pretence, no expectation of you as a listener; it’s there for you to enjoy and be up all night partying too. It’s soul food for anyone who feels it.

Follow Emma on Twitter @emmalhay