Aisling Fisher

Aisling is currently Assistant Head of Year at The Edinburgh Academy and is qualified to teach Secondary English, Dance, Learning Support and Primary. She has just finished writing her first book which she is in the process of editing and is a regular features writer for the Times Educational Supplement. When not reading, teaching, writing or at the theatre she can often be found at the gym or out running and recently completed her first Sprint Triathlon.
269 articles

Rebounding Hail

Disparat Theater's debut is a beautifully told tale of unfinished books.

16 August 2015

The Hogwallops

Entertaining and jaw-dropping but lacking the momentum to propel it to greatness.

15 August 2015


This faultless performance of a strong and sensitive monologue is a wonderful example of what can be seen at the Free Fringe.

15 August 2015


In a London classroom comes a gritty reality check with a powerful lesson in not judging a book by its cover.

12 August 2015


It might not be a "happy musical" but Urinetown is well worth spending a penny or two on.

11 August 2015

What the Dickens!

Unique and impressive unscripted theatre by the Cambridge Impronauts.

9 August 2015