Ed Patrick is a comedian, writer, and anaesthetist. As well as his stand-up Ed has also published the book Catch Your Breath: The Secret Life of a Sleepless Anaesthetist, and presents the Comedians’ Surgery podcast. We spoke to him about his new Fringe show ‘Catch Your Breath’, and his experiences in the NHS. 

Can you tell us about ‘Catch Your Breath’?

It’s a show about being an anaesthetist and how stories can be more powerful on drugs.
Wait. Sorry more powerful than drugs.

One could argue that the state of the NHS is no laughing matter, but you believe there is an intersection between medicine and comedy. What attracted you to comedy?

As an anaesthetist, I have a ready supply of laughing gas, so seems to make sense. But also comedy is about building tension and releasing it. Similarly in medicine there’s lots of tension building, and you need a release, an escape. I found that release in comedy and writing.

Do you have any weird/ gross/ hilarious medical experiences that don’t make it into the show?

When I was a new doctor, my registrar (senior doctor) was trying to take a blood test from a child by shining a torch under the hand to light up the veins, he also turned off the light without warning me. So I stumbled and sat down on a comfy chair. When the light came back on the comfy chair was in fact the child’s dad.

What for you are the best and worst things about the Fringe?

Best – there’s so many people and so many shows, the city feels like it’s 24/7 and never stops.
Worst – Finding solitude.

Have you had any really memorable Fringe experiences, good or bad, either as performer or as an audience member?

Someone collapsed during one of my podcast shows (Ed Patrick: Comedians’ Surgery, on all your podcast platforms). I ended up running off stage to check they were ok before we continued with the show. Whilst doing so I heard other audience members asking if it was part of the show – it wasn’t! Thankfully they were fine, and it also created a bit of PR.

Beside ‘Catch Your Breath’, can we expect to see you performing elsewhere during August?

I believe so, there are irons in the fire. Also my Fringe show starts on Aug 10th so before then you might catch me down south (basically follow me on socials @parmapatrick for updates).

Are there any other acts at the Fringe that you would recommend audiences see?

So many. Ed Patrick for sure. Also the other doctors doing shows. And take a punt on something unusual.

‘Catch Your Breath’ runs from Thu 10 to Sun 27 Aug 2023 (except Tue 15 and Tue 22 to Fri 25 Aug) at The Stand’s New Town Theatre – Lower Hall at 15:10