Comedy / 60 min / £14.50 (£13.50) / 16+

Showing @ Underbelly Bristo Square, 2–27 Aug, 21.40

Michael Winslow was probably told as a child that making noises was neither big nor clever. Given the response to his Udderbelly show, his audience certainly disagree. Amongst all the musical beeps, twangs, plops and pings on display it was Winslow’s impressions that got the biggest response. Recreating the guitar stylings of both Jimmys Hendrix and Page, as well as taking on Louis Armstrong and a rip roaring performance as Tina Turner, all were performed loud enough to almost drown out the Tattoo flypast. This is good old fashioned, unsophisticated, noisy fun. If your idea of entertainment is a silent night in then you’d best avoid, but if you like it loud and proud then you’ll be hard pressed to find anything to beat this.