Note: This review is from the 2016 Fringe

Illuminations carries a universal appeal. Comedy, science and illusion blend together, aided by theatrical conventions, to create an unusual and enchanting show. Suitable for all ages, and regardless of where you are on the spectrum of scepticism, not only is this absorbing entertainment, but there are also some educational elements with a positive re-enforcement of the benefits of learning.

Kevin Quantum has a great rapport with his audience, and his ability to deal with the unexpected that inevitably comes from regular direct interactions, is spot on. Often he’ll switch from playful silliness to a serious, mysterious persona and between this, the lighting and the varied selection of music, the journey he takes us on is one of contrasts and atmosphere. His background in science is strongly featured, with almost all of his illusions and tricks taking a nod to the laws of physics. This is a key ingredient, providing a kind of earthy grounding to Quantum’s magic, with the added air of mystery he engenders making for a great mix in this show. Without giving too much away – as it would be easy to spoil the surprises in store for future audiences – there are some really magical “ooh aah” moments created through a couple of the illusions in particular, which mark this out as being a superbly imaginative, clever and wonder-filled show.

Crisper articulation would sharpen up Quantum’s performance to match the ways in which every other element of the piece and attention to detail is so deftly and professionally executed. Also, a section where he demonstrates incredible memory is good, but could be shortened slightly and, well, a better fitting jacket wouldn’t go amiss.  These are very picky criticisms as this is a fantastic show, that with a slight polish could very easily be garnering many five star reviews come the Edinburgh Fringe (where he has a run from the 3 – 29 August at the Gilded Balloon Teviot).  There’s a real warmth, a genuineness and feel good factor to Quantum’s act and Illuminations is certainly a delightfully unusual, sensory and memorable experience.