@ Assembly Roxy, Edinburgh, on Mon 18 Apr 2016

Anyone who was even vaguely around the club scene of the early noughties will be hard pressed to not be filled with nostalgia during this show. We’re met with a sassy, dark (but moodily lit) stage and auditorium, pulsing beats and smooth vocals as the musicians ease us into the hour ahead. The combination of the sounds and sights make for an intoxicatingly atmospheric and accurate recreation of the garage vibe circa 2001, as we travel back to this relatively recent era. Forgotten but familiar tunes are interspersed with spoken narrative to a backdrop of beats that make the audience want to get up and dance.

On stage is a singer with velvet rich tones, a musician on keys and supplying the beats and actor, Seroca Davis, bringing an infectious vibrancy and energy to the production. All move and groove in their individual styles to the sounds throughout, aiding the steamy, funky, late night feel. Davis is the storyteller, speaking as narrator from the perspective of a young girl about her heady experiences on the London club scene. Her dancing throughout the piece is a joy to watch – fluid, rhythmic, spontaneous and effortless. This combined with the club effect lighting, make for a compelling visual performance that is wonderfully evocative of the era. Her playing of the characters in the story are fairly stereotyped and big – maybe to make each one clearly identifiable – but in venues that are not massive, could benefit from more subtlety and realism. The script is engaging, although perhaps a little unsatisfying in its climax.

With a Little Bit of Luck  is cool and refreshing, offering an ambient trip to the recent past and carrying appeal to at least one generation. The mingling of live music, retro call backs and creative scripting are a fun, immersive combination offering a particular treat to lovers of UK Garage music.