Note: This review is from the 2022 Fringe

Entwined is choreographer and former Principal Dancer of Scottish Ballet, Eve Mutso’s, new dance work created with Indepen-dance artists, an inclusive dance company for disabled and non-disabled people in Scotland.

Entwined explores the joy of discovery in connecting with nature’s ebbs and flows. As the audience enters the studio to take their seats, we are greeted by projections of the waves lapping at the seashore, with beautiful sounds of a piano and cello, which is both calming, and peaceful. The projections then change to the wind rustling through a forest of trees, as six dancers, three male and three female, emerge from the wings. It is difficult to make them out as they are mere shadows against this projected backdrop but the dancers reflect the serenity of the projected images. The music then stops abruptly. One of the male dancers dances moving beautifully and gracefully, and there are no projections at this point to distract.

The projections change throughout, reflecting nature’s seasonal changes and ever-changing life cycles – moss growing, the mystical growth on the bark of a tree – as the dancers’ movements metamorphosise, and they interact with each other, their shadows eerily projected on the screen behind them. It is both striking and ethereal. They morph into one statuesque form, the final pose, with a beautiful projection of the sun’s rays bouncing off a glistening rock pool.

A stunning combination of projection and dance, with striking visuals by David Street and the specially commissioned score by JP Waksman, this short 35-minute dance piece is a beautiful exploration and expression by an inclusive dance company to explore nature’s ebbs and flow.