Los Angeles Weekly recently described rock n’ roll band Low Cut Connie as “ferocious.” They were right. The tenaciousness and sheer energy of their live show make it a unique and impressive experience. The gig is a real performance, witnessing multiple band members surge across stage and leap from the piano. Vigour and jumping aside, frontman Adam Weiner keeps the audience transfixed with his charisma, frenzied piano-pounding and a glint in his eye. Weiner has a real stage presence, using his natural charm and showmanship to lend himself easily to the audience. It is easy to see why the band has formed a fan base including Sir Elton John, and Barack Obama. Indeed, Obama included the band’s song Boozophilia on his summer playlist and even invited Weiner to the White House.
Throughout their hour and a half on stage, the band do not let up. Each song rolls into the next without a break and with unrelenting energy, smashing through some of Low Cut Connie’s best-known numbers such as Beverly and Dirty Water. Despite Weiner’s obvious talents as ringmaster, it is refreshing to see, and hear, each band member making a significant contribution. Special mention must go to backing singer Saundra Williams. Doubtlessly, she is a strong addition, with a 35-year career that includes work with soul group Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings. Williams has a voice like velvet, which works well juxtaposed against the rough earthiness of Weiner’s voice. Williams is duly accorded a solo, where she showcases a fabulous voice, rhythm and a joy for performing which firmly endears her to the audience.
It is rare to see an audience take so quickly to a group from so far away. Their popularity with their audience is testament to their energy and charm. Low Cut Connie are fast on the rise and must be seen now before it becomes impossible to get tickets…