Note: This review is from the 2023 Fringe

This stand-up double-bill consists of two comedians with very different approaches. The first is Dominic McGovern, who has a great delivery and wonderfully bitchy manner as he gets the audience onside with his jokes about the hell of living in Western Australia and being the gay best friend at hen parties as well as dealing with more serious subjects such as his OCD and eating disorder. These latter aspects are dealt with in a surprisingly humorous fashion, with McGovern ensuring that they don’t disrupt the overall breezy tone of his set. McGovern has an undeniable charisma that has the audience fully engaged and laughing throughout his set.

The second is Jewish Canadian expat Zoe Brownstone, who gets a lot of laughs out of her routines about her love life, including a great section about being a stepmother (twice). However, the highlight of Brownstone’s set is an extended musical number based on three words – Jews In Space. This enables her to not only conclude her series of inventive jokes about Judaism, including a great gag about Jewish sexual positions to rival the missionary, but also showcase her impressive singing voice.

Overall, ‘Tied for Second’ works as an entertaining two-hander that acts as an effective showcase for two talented comedians. Both McGovern and Brownstone do an impressive job with their slots and ensure that the audience is consistently entertained throughout.

‘Tied for Second’ has finished its run