@ theSpace On The Mile, Edinburgh, until Sat 22 Aug 2015 @ 21.40
This is a nice, insubstantial, likeable romantic drama from writer director Andy Moseley. It’s exactly the type of play you can imagine being in the canon of am-dram companies for many years to come. None of which makes this a bad show. It’s not Pinter. It doesn’t set out to reveal any great truths about humanity, but it’s charming, well-acted, well written and unfussily performed.
Switching between the wedding reception of two octogenarians who have found each other again and the tale of their tragic whirlwind summer romance there’s sadness and joy comedy and despair and characters you can engage with.
The play, particularly in the wedding scenes is a little bit talky and feels as if it may have started life as a radio play and the ending is weak, but for most its hour this play flies by winning you over with its warmth.
The acting is of a high standard with particular credit going to Andrew Jefferson-Teirney as the bumptious, sullen son in law and Samantha Hindman as his long suffering wife.
There are no great observations about humankind; no cavernous depths of the soul plumbed, but then this play never promises that. It’s a light romantic confection with a hopeful gleam in its eye and it achieves exactly what it sets out to do.