Barbara (and Kenneth) is a light-hearted musical comedy about the famous doll and her ever-changing career paths. If you enjoyed the recent Barbie movie then this show is not to be missed.

In a similar vein, our lead Barbara recounts her various jobs and the challenges she has overcome across her varied working life, mainly at the hands of men. Using real-life historical examples of the ridiculous standards women have had to overcome, Barbara played beautifully by Deanna Giulietti addresses those challenges head on in this one woman show.

Giulietti’s charm is infectious, even with slight technical issues she did not waiver, showing her professional attitude to her work in being able to keep calm and carry on. Following in the movie’s shoes, this doll is speaking up for herself and all the women who have come before her, drawing parallels between her struggles and those of real women. To hear some of the bizarre true facts really puts into perspective just how far we have come, and how precarious women’s positions are in the world. Balancing a fine line between a fun girly show and highlighting the perils of being a women in the working world by recounting her different jobs is a difficult tone to hit but Giuletti manages to nail it down.

Carrying a show alone is no mean-feat and Giuletti embodies the role of the pink loving doll, keeping her energy up to a 10 throughout with costume changes on top. Supported by Jack Shapiro as Kenneth who makes a short guest appearance, the focus remains firmly on Barbara even while graciously sharing the stage with him for a short while. If the Magenta pink outfits, historical references and in-jokes weren’t enough then you must hear Giuletti sing. Her voice could easily compete with those found on Broadway and it would not be surprising to see her in the next big musical with her powerful voice and bubbly personality.

With self-aware original songs paired with Giuletti’s soulful voice this show is sure to be a hit with Barbara lovers and musical fans.

Barbara (and Kenneth) is at Greenside @George Street – Forest Theatre until Sat 17 Aug 2024 at 11:30