Note: This review is from the 2024 Fringe

The world champions of hip hop Wanted Posse take on an ambitious project for their Fringe debut; a dance number combining classics like the jitterbug with breakdance to transport audiences to a 1920s speakeasy. Narratively they bite off more than they can chew, but be in no doubt about their dancing credentials. Wanted Posse crack out some stellar moves for Dance N’Speak Easy in a superb performance that contains moments of real magic. 

There are some great individual displays of strength and agility here, the dancers moving and twisting about the stage as they make even the most sensational of moves look all too easy. The performers brim with charm and charisma, each bringing individual strengths to joint numbers that, at their best, pop with real energy and glamour. The stage however feels too big and too sparsely decorated. In the first half in particular the action feels too stretched out to convince you that this is some glamorous, dinky underground bar operating under the veil in prohibition America. 

The style doesn’t gel quite as much as you might want, with modern versions of classic songs detracting from the 1920s vibe that the show strives for. An individual number to a remix of ‘Hit the Road Jack’, complete with a look of the era and a nonstop display of dance, is more akin to what you would expect. As it is, the performers take up too much time leaning into discernable comedy. One gag about ownership of a chair goes on far too long, and would lose its appeal entirely were it not for the odd flourish thrown in for good measure. Dance N’Speak Easy is at its best when it lets the moves do the talking, rather than feeling obliged to lean into silly comedy that can merit the odd chuckle but feels at odds with the show as a whole. 

The storyline feels somewhat singular and the setting unconvincing at times, but Dance N’Speak Easy promises some killer dance moves and this is exactly what it delivers. When frees from the shackles of cracking jokes, this is an exhilarating performance that shows exactly why Wanted Posse are so outstanding at what they do. This is unlikely to be their only turn at the Edinburgh Fringe… because in this speakeasy, another round is always on the cards.

Dance N’Speak Easy is at Underbelly Bristo Sqaure – McEwan Hall until Mon 26 Aug 2024 (except Wed 14 & Tue 20) at 15:25