Personal Training has taken off in a big way in the last few years. The world of health and fitness is more popular than ever before, and so a show about Personal Training from the perspective of the coach would appear to be a smash-hit formula. Unfortunately, what the audience get instead is a job description with some unconvincing caricatures.
Writer and actress Katie Kopajtic is likeable, and seems as if she would make a great personal trainer. She is fit, healthy, and has that tanned and toned look of an all-American cheerleader, but it just doesn’t translate. She tries to tell the stories of her clients through the voices of her clients, but should perhaps consider some quick costume changes and more altered accents, rather than merely using a changing light to indicate who she is. At times it is not clear whether she is representing herself or one of her characters.
She tries hard to put a refreshing spin on her show by asking the audience to limber up at a couple of junctures with some basic stretches, and by telling her own story of ending up in the profession rather than choosing it, but it is all a bit banal.
There is a touch of the inspirational when she tells the emotive tale of a client lost to suicide, who she may have been the last person to see. This had a profound effect on Kopajtic and she nearly turned her back on gym life, but she realised that those that she trained meant more to her than she had previously realised. Her life is intertwined with theirs and she enjoys helping them.
As a personal trainer she is probably great, as a showperson she needs to think more carefully about her show and the stories she tells. She would also do well to hone the Irish accent she attempts, as at numerous points it lapses into Jamaican!