Dick Gaughan is a legend in Scottish folk music. For 40 years, he has dominated the folk scene as a group member (Five Hand Reel et al), as a guitarist influencing many other folk guitarists, and as a distinctive singer reinterpreting traditional ballads and using contemporary song as political weapon. Dick is a man of the left and was a stalwart supporter of the miners and other industrial struggles and more recently a campaigner for independence and for a Scottish Socialist Republic. So when he was struck down with a stroke last year and could no longer perform, the Scottish folk scene was in despair and rallied to support him with a benefit concert at the Edinburgh Festival Theatre. Tonight, we are at a further benefit, but also to allow Celtic Connections audiences to honour Dick. A packed Fruitmarket at a sold out concert show how much Dick is appreciated for the many years he has performed at Celtic Connections.
The concert is opened by Scotland’s unofficial queen, Elaine C Smith, who not only comperes with great brio but sings very decently as well. She has an easy task to keep the crowd interested, with a great cast of singers there to pay homage to the great man. Notable among them are Martin Simpson and Tony McManus who pay tribute to Dick as a great guitarist as well as a fine singer. Other performers include Karine Polwart who sings with great conviction, and Dougie MacLean, himself a folk legend in Scotland for Caledonia, who rounds off the evening with another of his great songs. The Wilson Family, who worked with Dick supporting the Miners’ Strike, sing some great close harmony songs including Baker Hill. The Bevvy Sisters, Patsy Seddon and Mary Macmaster, plus the house band, provide great music. However, the biggest star of the night is Dick Gaughan himself who, sporting a white beard, takes to the stage to a standing ovation. He speaks clearly to thank the audience and says he hopes to come back next year and sing. Whether he does or not his place in Scottish folk music is assured.
I would like to know how Dick Gaughan is. He has influenced me greatly, but I’ve never had the wherewithall to contribute actively to the many great things that Dick has sung about e.g. the great Redwoods, normal working people and the oppressed. No matter what state Dick is in, I would like to pass on my great gratitude for his enlightenment on many issues close to my heart. I know he will have influenced more songwriters/singers to reflect on the very same issues. I’ve been part of the Aberdeen oil industry but also spent time round a single bar fire with unemployed miners in the beautiful Rhymney Valley in Wales (1980’s) drinking cider and eating a stolen chicken from the supermarket. This is not the way life should be, let alone the sacrifice of Syrians,Africans, and otheroppressed people.
Dick was and is an enormous influence in my life. He came to Santa Cruzi on several occasions and was so amazing and personable and an evocative singer/songwriter . His music gave me hope and inspiration when I really needed it in my life. Not just for a few minutes or an hour. I still listen to his music now and feel the change. I hope he is recovering well and I send many loving and healing thoughts!
Dick, my dear friend and inspiration, may the support and love I send to you and the support and love of the many thousands of people you have inspired, heal and return you to our need to hear your sacred voice again!! Love you!!
Just listening to Dick’s music. He remains a powerful and honest voice for right and celebrating the stories of ordinary people in England, Wales Ireland and Scoltland. For what its worth can you Please wish him all the best from a big fan.
I sent a bit of time with Dick in the late 60’s and early 70’s. He was a major influence in my musical development (and still is). His unbending social conscience was akin to a guiding beacon for me and although I have lived in NZ for many years, he is still often in my thoughts and in my actions.
Hi Dick, would really like to hear how you and yours are doing now.
I still consider “Handful of Earth” one of the greatest folk records ever made. And I often play many of Dick’s records – his voice, guitar playing, and strong leftist message always calm me down during this era of the rise of right wing populism and neo-fascism.
Any update? I would love to know how he is doing.I met him here (Ireland)some years back.Everything about him is wonderful,and the voice! an update would be nice.
please could you let me know how Dick is? How is his health? Is there any thought he will perform again …. I cannot miss it.
Thank you
Hi Dick,
Hopefully you’re recovering and are well just now. Whenever over the years you performed in London I made every effort to see you and you never disappointed us with your brilliant guitar playing , great voice and songs that inspired us about resistance to oppression and the possibility of a future where human decency and kindness could flourish. Some time now since I’ve seen you perform but listening to the stupendous ‘ Handful Of Earth’ reminds me of those performances I was privileged to witness . Brian