Despite the aggressive nature of the title Die! Die! Die! Die Old People Die! is not a loud or boisterous show. It begins with two characters (a husband and wife, played by David Woods and Jon Haynes) struggling to reach a table that is centre stage. They are elderly and they move at a snail’s pace. It is a comedic and frustrating entrance that expresses the endeavours that these old people face. When they eventually reach their goal the frustration continues as the old man labours through his speech. This sets a comedic tone and slow pace that is rarely veered from throughout the hour.
At one point the old couple share a personal moment and what could have been a positive depiction of how old people express physical love, just ends up being another joke that plays on the frailty of the characters. We assume that oral sex has occurred and then when what looks like a further sexual encounter will occur, music breaks the moment, the stage lights dim and a scene change occurs. Rarely do you get to witness an account of how older people tackle sex and Ridiculusmus decided not to back out of the subject here, which seems they only presented for a cheap laugh.
The highlight of the performance is David Woods portrayal of the old man. This is most apparent when he reads out a eulogy. He begins to account what appears to be rude comments left on a social media post. It is a surreal moment considering that the old man has struggled to speak and walk, so you would imagine that Instagram would be beyond him.
The show itself is frustrating. Yes, it is funny at times, but Die! Die! Die! Die Old People Die! does not feel enlightening or original. It is a comedic portrayal of old people and not much more. The show is the final part of a trilogy from Ridiculusmus. Both The Eradication of Schizophrenia in Western Lapland and Give Me Your Love have been performed at the Edinburgh Fringe. The trilogy looks at different elements of mental health and death obviously seems like the correct way to conclude, albeit in a disappointing and predictable manner.