Showing @ Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh until Sun 24 Aug @ 16:00
The packed house for this show tells its own story. Almost 45 years after its debut, the affection Dad’s Army is held with means that the chance to spend an hour in the company of the last surviving member of the Walmington-on-Sea troop is something the crowd, made up of people of all ages, can’t resist.
They aren’t disappointed. Lightly grilled by host Steven McNicoll, Lavender proves a gentle and engaging raconteur, modest about his own talents and generous with his compliments and stories about his fellow Dad’s Army cast. Anyone expecting startling revelations will be disappointed – no tales here of loose living by Arthur Lowe or the dark secret life of John Laurie, instead we receive a series of anecdotes about men who Lavender respected as friends, actors and teachers.
Lavender takes the opportunity to scotch a few myths about rivalries and animosity between cast members. There were few personal friendships made, but these men clearly liked and admired each other as professionals. The actor is charming company and you feel he probably has enough stories for another hour at least on stage, but the audience are more than happy to have spent their time in the company of this not-so-stupid boy.