Twin sisters Naomi and Lisa-Kaindé Díaz were born in Paris and spent the first two years of their life in Cuba. They come together as Ibeyi and their music is a heady cocktail of Caribbean rhythms and French- and Spanish-inspired hip hop, jazz, and lyrical, ethereal soul. Both are glorious singers with versatile voices that soar in rich harmony, equally at home in a rap, an acapella ballad, or a sultry, soulful lament.

On their latest tour, they’re accompanied by two musicians, one on keyboards and another on drums. Naomi is also an accomplished percussionist, playing the traditional Peruvian/Cuban percussion instrument, the cajón. The set is simple – cubic frames house the musicians – but arrestingly lit and a series of projections bring further visual intrigue.

Their songs are as varied as you’d expect, given their musical influences. Rise Up Wise Up Eyes Up is a catchily euphoric war cry. Partway through the set, a pre-recorded voiceover (that could be Michelle Obama herself) declaims that “the measure of any society is how it treats its women and girls” and this is likely the inspiration for the defiant song, No Man Is Big Enough For My Arms.

Ghosts is a gorgeous, jazzy soulful ballad that gives free rein to each sister’s vocal richness. And Tears Are Our Medicine is from their newest album and features beautiful, counterpoint harmonies, celebrating the importance of expressing your feelings.

These twins are accomplished musicians, as at ease with an audience as you’d expect and they allow plenty of opportunities for this audience to feel that their voices are being heard too. This is one of those gigs where the performers are so awesome that the people in the crowd keep turning round and looking at each other like “can you believe they sound as good as that?”

Ibeyi, please come back to Scotland soon.