In the world of polyamory, a unicorn is the name given to someone willing to join existing couples, in the world of sex parties it refers to a woman willing to attend said parties by themselves. It denotes them as something rare, magical even, but also something to be hunted or tamed. This is exactly what Andrea finds herself becoming in Ox Productions’ new one-woman show The Unicorn.
After being fired from her job for filing a sexual harassment claim against one of her colleagues, Andrea finds herself in a depressive spiral. To combat the feeling of hopelessness, she looks to fill the void with casual sex which, in turn, leads to her further exploring her sexuality through the secretive world of orgies and kink. But the new found distractions soon develop into something far more threatening as Andrea must reckon with both hard truths and her own trauma.
Simply put, this is an astounding hour of theatre. Sam Potter’s script is heartfelt and honest utilising occasional moments of levity without doing a disservice to the subject matter. It’s also an unflinching exploration of addiction manifesting in a form that is rarely discussed openly or as frankly as this. The audience may be able to see the eventual revelation coming, but that doesn’t make it any less heart-breaking when Andrea is forced to admit it to herself.
Andrea herself is wonderfully brought to life by Georgina Fairbanks who brings a frenetic energy to the role. She never gives an inch, delivering a wide-eyed intensity that remains throughout the show, drawing the audience in and refusing to let them go. This extends to her movements too, be it as she frantically cavorts around the stage in a whirlwind of anxiety and sexual energy, or simply holds herself during Andrea’s lowest moments. It’s a masterful performance that’s only dampened by some questionable accents, but they don’t distract too much.
It can be difficult to address such weighty subject matter within the confines of a small Fringe venue, but the work of Potter and Fairbanks cannot be overstated enough. They handle their charge admirably, crafting a phenomenal show that deserves to be seen by all.