Be prepared to expect the unexpected in this marvellous musical, Unexpected Item in The Bagging Area. Cambridge University Musical Theatre Society brings a show filled with witty songs that are bound to leave a smile. We follow a variety of characters within the supermarket, including a fishmonger who is hopelessly in love, a narcissist and Karen, who likes to nibble on cat food. These are just a few of the oddball individuals that have descended onto the supermarket. However, amidst their team is someone who desperately wants the store closed and they will create devious plans to do so. This is far from just a supermarket drama and with eccentric characters and good music to go with it, these retail workers had audiences laughing throughout.
With a live band on stage, the music during the performance was fantastic. The small ensemble made a huge difference to the show and gave the musical its upbeat dynamic. Somehow, they even managed to slip some Celine Dion in there. Their original songs alongside a fun story made the time fly by, and the energy on stage felt contagious. There were laughs as well as some heartfelt moments, where the actors were able to show off their impressive singing abilities amongst the drama. It was a fun performance, and no doubt the catchy tunes will be playing in the heads of audience members once they leave.
Alongside the charming story and boisterous characters, Unexpected Item in the Bagging Area is filled with pleasant surprises. It is certainly not a typical supermarket comedy, and instead, we are welcomed to a plot which is not only absurd but is accompanied by wonderful, fully composed pieces of music which truly makes it a stand-out show. For a musical, the show has it all and doesn’t fail to deliver. Expect music, laughs and dance choreography because this is a supermarket unlike any other.