Showing @ Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Tue 06 Feb only

Clare Lamond‘s award winning graduate animation All That Glisters is showing as part of the Manipulate festival’s Snapshot segment, where films are introduced by leading Edinburgh based animator Iain Gardner. It’s a careful exploration of Asbestosis through the eyes of a family who lose a father, followed by an on-stage interview in which Lamond discussed the making of the film and her upcoming projects.

All That Glisters is a quiet and gentle tale. The models look fantastic, made with care and craft by Lamond herself, by abandoning human likenesses the characters become more empathetic. The sets too, like the film, are beautifully simplistic, the animation deftly dodging the uncanny valley of animation. Lamond herself is lively and responsive, and time is afforded for people to interact personally with the filmmaker. She discusses how her intention is to focus on specific human stories in order to bring attention to a wider issue. By focusing the lens so exclusively on the emotions of the main character Clare, the film ultimately feels slight and reflects the fact it was Lamond’s graduate film, without much greater insight.

Showing as part of Manipulate Festival 2013