Inside all of us, encased beneath our various labels, there is a tiny I; a Russian doll-styled system of life which Wendy Wason explains to us in her routine, Tiny Me. Besides being herself, Wendy is also a mother, a daughter and a wife (ex-wife). She also happens to be a friendly and inviting stand-up.
Losing her train of thought constantly, there is nothing about Wendy’s set which feels fake. Distracted, constantly chatting off topic but still in jest, it’s refreshing to spend time with Wendy; Tiny Me feels less like a stand-up and more like an informal chat. Like a discussion with someone who seems to genuinely want to know you, to escape the shackles of daily life and to just talk utter babble with anyone who will listen. As she connects well with the audience and encourages them to chat with her, Wendy has a warmth around her which obscures a dark edge.
Her children are the primary target of Wason’s humour, though she strays into political and generational comedy from time to time. Intellectual gags are concealed by Wendy’s bitching, wine-scoffing exterior. The awkwardness of having children, discussing sex, processing emotions and navigating the trials of life are all fuel to the pyre of comedy which Wason readily feeds.
The gift of procrastinating chat makes Wendy approachable, but it’s a double-edged sword. Her routine feels very rushed at times, straying off topic for too long. The side story is indeed amusing, but it’s taking up time which has been designated for a set joke. When scripted does comedy appear, it’s crammed in and the punchlines become rushed as Wendy’s ramblings lead her off the path. However, stage presence is Wendy’s innate ability: the previously mentioned warmth draws the audience in quickly and her trips and word stumbles are worked into the show, neutralising any issues before they have time to fester.
Wendy Wason is everything she describes: she is indeed a mother, and she is indeed an ex-wife. She is also herself, an individual and natural comedienne who has successfully managed to turn her gift of the gab into a career.