Showing @ The Store (formerly the GRV) 16-19 Dec @ 20:00
Are you already a little bit of bitter and cynical commentary about the entertainment this festive period has to offer? Seen It’s a Wonderful Life so many times you want to gag? Fed up of shouting “he’s behind you” at a man wearing more makeup than Jordan? Well fear not The Wee Reviewers because we might just have something to break the cosy family nonsense that we’ve grown accustomed to.
The Reindeers have a dark secret and they’re about to let you in on it. It seems that Old Saint Nick may not be all he’s cracked up to be. In fact he may have been a very naughty boy this year as the antlered sleigh-brigade begin to reveal their sexual harassment allegations, to hilarious effect.
The play has been critically acclaimed in the USA and it is brought to Edinburgh this winter by Peapod Productions, a new company set up by Philip Kingscott. So if dark humour is more up your street than glitter and Cliff Richard songs, pop along to The Store and have an alternative night of Christmas cheer. Because after all, ‘tis the season to be jolly so you may as well have a bloody good laugh.