Note: This review is from the 2019 Fringe

Krystal Evans may say she’s given up weed now she’s a mum, but it doesn’t sound like it. With her low energy American drawl – what she calls her “resting sarcastic voice” – you can believe that would be her recreational drug of choice. She’s not the sort of comic to look you in the eye and come at you, full-on and hyperactive (which at 12 noon is just as well). Evans is more your casual, look-at-the-world-with-a-weary-eye type. A jeans and t-shirt (Flaming Lips as it happens) comedian, not the attention-seeking zany costume kind.

She uses good, short scene-building one liners to introduce herself as an American with a Scottish husband. It’s standard cultural difference material but avoids the obvious clichés in favour of something snappier and wittier. It gets everyone on board as she begins to build into longer anecdotes.

The fishnets of the title have a twofold purpose. One – it was an excuse to wear fishnets on the poster. Two – there’s fishing based content, specifically an anecdote about a fishing trip with her grandad. Like everything she does, it’s a bit downbeat, a bit cynical, and finishes with a dark twist.

Evans is a relative newcomer to the Scottish comedy scene, but she comfortably fills this 25 minute set without a lull, and there’s every reason to expect she’ll crack on from here towards a full hour. On this day her finale doesn’t quite work – something about the timing or the intonation isn’t quite right and we’ve missed it – but you clock that she’s aware of that and will no doubt find a way to fix it. Smart, and a welcome addition to the circuit.