Note: This review is from the 2024 Fringe

‘Man Up: A Show for Women!’ is first and foremost fun. Starring Maggie Metnick in drag as far-right pundit and ‘feminist ally’ Chip Johnson (of the Johnson & Johnson & Johnson empire), ‘Man Up’ is a hilarious satire well worth anyone’s time. Written by Emma Campbell, Nell Kessler, Mackenzie Menter, and Nora Schmitt, the show’s punchy script elicits laughter in the most unexpected ways.

Transforming from a show that resembles ‘The Colbert Report’ into a think piece about masculinity and male friendships, ‘Man Up’ tries to tackle how the patriarchy not only hurts women but men as well. While Maggie is a star and the show itself is innovative and side-splitting, the biggest question it begs is, “Who is ‘Man Up’ for?”

If it’s for the women who agree with its sentiment — false male ‘allyshipl is worth mocking — then it can come off as didactic and overwrought with feminist activism. However, if it’s for men like Chip to learn about the so-called right way to be a feminist in 2024, the ‘Man Up’ team could be on an uphill battle to bring in their desired audience.

Despite dealing with some challenges from the venue, such as a broken projector, Maggie pushes through to deliver a complex 45-minute monologue. She’s carrying the weight of the show (and the patriarchy) on her shoulders and deserves all the praise in the world for doing so. While ‘Man Up’ itself could benefit from leaning even further into character and making Chip truly grotesque, its current iteration is still worth a visit.

From references to the format through hilarious sponsorship ads to the heart beneath it as Chip waits for his two best friends to show up, the underlying truth of ‘Man Up’ manages to make a show about the worst kind of person heart wrenching as we somehow find ourselves on his side. That’s the true brilliance of ‘Man Up’ — despite knowing that Chip’s ideologies are flawed and harmful, at worst, we still want to root for him.

Man Up: A Show for Women‘ is at C Venues – C Aqulia – Studio until Sun 18 Aug 2024 at 20:15