The experiences leave you questioning. Crystal Reef makes you ponder how human-produced carbon dioxide is turning the world’s oceans into what scientists are calling “the ocean moonscape”. Hair raising experience Man on Spire has you climbing to the upper reaches of One World Trade Centre’s Spire with adventure photographer Jimmy Chin and safety liaison Jamison Walsh. Your mind plays tricks. You know you can’t be there as your feet are firmly planted on the ground, but your mind will fool you that you are thousands of feet up.
This exhibition is mind blowing. The digital entertainment festival sits well alongside the Fringe and International Festivals but could equally stand well on its own at another time of the year. However, if you’re an avid Fringe goer, it’s a big commitment to take 2-3 hours out of a packed fringe experience to watch one of the many engaging films on offer, plus all the other elements that make up this festival.
Different ticket options are available to experience the Edinburgh Digital Entertainment Festival. If you go, you won’t be disappointed, but do allow yourself enough time to take in the whole festival. I easily spent three hours, and that was without even seeing a film.
Full details of Digital Entertainment Festival are at